Here you can find a brief overview over my CV. A detailed CV is available upon request.

Work experience

  1. Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter: tasks in research in Financial Mathematics (50 %) and 4 SWS teaching (50 %), Group “Stochastik und Finanzmathematik”, TU Berlin, 2019-2024
  2. Tutor (three terms), Universität Freiburg, 2013-2015


  1. Ongoing: Dr. rer. nat. Mathematics, TU Berlin, expected 2024
    • Recognised student, University of Oxford, Michaelmas Term 2023/24
  2. Studies of German Literature, History, Mathematics, HU Berlin, 2017-2019
  3. MSc Mathematics, École normale supérieure de Lyon / Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, 2017
  4. BSc Mathematics, Universität Freiburg, 2015

Further activities and affiliations